

Hei ystävät!

Näin Suurten Johtajien valintapäivänä haluaisin jakaa oman riemuni kanssanne ja julkaista lisää rumia koulutehtäväkuvia!
Tehtävänä oli ensin tutkia sivustoa http://kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com/ ja kopioida kuvaustyyliä omiin kuviin. En sit osannu kopioida salamavaloa niin kopioin vaan hahmon.
Sarjan nimi on "Kim Jong-monde looking at Kallio".

Hi friends!

Because today is a day for Great Leaders (the presidental election in Finland, though it's going to be round two in two weeks! and the exciting thing is that the candidates are a popular right wing -guy and a green party gay -guy against him, like David and Goliath! google for more!) I decided that I want to share my happiness and publish some more ugly photos from my exercises to school!
The idea was first to examine the light in this site http://kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com/ and then copy it to your own pictures. Because I didn't know how to copy the light I copied just the person.
The name of this series is "Kim Jong-monde looking at Kallio" where Monde is my friend who is the model in these and Kallio (literally translated as "the rock") is the part of Helsinki where I live.

Kim Jong-monde looking at plastic man.

Kim Jong-monde looking at the market hall.

Kim Jong-monde looking at the hoods.

Kim Jong-monde looking at a grill.

Kim Jong-monde looking at a bear.

Kim Jong-monde looking at a memorial statue.

Kim Jong-monde looking at a shampoo advertisement.

Kim Jong-monde looking at a trash bin.

Kim Jong-monde looking at coffins.

Kim Jong-monde looking at the menu at Sandro's Corner.

Kim Jong-monde looking at the church.


Lisää Pinjaa - More Pinja

 Exercises with flashlight: God in the watering pot.

But which one is better than the other? I'm in opinion crisis! Answers below, please, thank you.


Saint Pinjius

 Saint Pinjius, the Patron Saint of MÄMMI 

(for the non-finnish, mämmi is a trad finnish food that looks like crap)


Ei housuja | No pants

Liikaa youtubee ja Pinjaa ja ihan liikaa paineita kuvata "hyvä sarja" salamakuvauskurssin tehtäviin joiden ideana on harjoitella nopeaa salamaa ja keskittyä salaman käytön sijaan mm. henkilönohjaukseen, yksityiskohtiin jne.
Tämmöstä sit tuli:

Too much of Youtube, too much of Pinja and way too much of pressure to photograph a "great series" for the flash course. The idea was to practice a fast flashlightning and focus (instead of the flash) on model control, on details etc.
And this is what I got:

Pinja as "nerdy first-grader in the 90's" -hipster.

Pinja as "cool kid on the block" -hipster.

Pinja as "Madonna-vibed Audrey" -hipster.

Pinja as "snowboarding during the summer with booze" -hipster

Pinja as "YEA YEA going to the Kuudes Linja club as soon as I finish this cigarette" -hipster

Pinja as "my b-friend works as a pilot and I really don't know how to react 'cause I'm actually against war I think" -hipster

Pinja as "the housewife cleaning the toilet and listening to Lady Gaga while the kids are at school" -hipster

Pinja as "I just moved to my own apartment aged 16 and I don't have any friends oh I'm so lonely" -hipster

Pinja as "why are you interrupting me during my drug-session?" -hipster

Pinja as "do you wanrt to have a conversation about Charles Dickens? and maybe some tea?" -hipster

Pinja as "the sunday morning hangout/hangover" -hipster

Joo tota. Voin puolustautuu kertomalla, että tarkotuksenani oli tosiaan kuvata räkäsiä ja halvan näkösiä ja pelkästään huonoja vaateyhdistelmiä ja rumia vaatteita sisältäviä "muotikuvia". Ne tahrat kennossa oli kurssin vetäjän mielestäki ok ja kommenttina tuli että "näyttää pokkarilla otetuilta" :----)

Well, I can try and defent myself by saying that my purpose really was to photograph cheesy and cheap looking and "with only ugly clothes and bad combinations of them" -themed "fashion shoots". All the stains in the photos looked OK according to my teacher and he also said that these look like taken with a small pocket camera. Nice?


Äööäöäö | Zdsjahgfaglferjsdm

A mexican dream.

Päivitän blogia - I'm updating this thing

Tein portfoliota paikallislehden kesäkuvaajatyöhakemukseen ja törmäsin Balkanin ajan kuviin joihin en oo uskaltanu kajota aikoihin. Nyt uskalsin ku oli pakko ja sieltä löyty muutamia helmiä.

I was making this portfolio of my photos for my summerjob application for the local newspaper in Savonlinna and I found these photos from Balkan that I've been kinda avoiding few months. But now that I had to go through them, I started to miss some moments and found some diamond shots amogst all that crap that I took there.

Poliisit Belgradissa | The polices in Belgrade

Talvi ja aukio Sarajevossa | Winter and the main square in Sarajevo

Suosikkini: Tomas nukkumassa junassa 12h matkalla Skopjesta Belgradiin | My favourite: Tomas sleeping in the train from Skopje to Belgrade

Ei muuta nyt, pitänee kaivella vanhoja kuvia uudestaan esiin ku uusia ei tuu otettua tai no yleensä uudet on täyttä paskaa.

Nothing more now, I should dig up the old photos because I'm not taking any new or actually all the new ones are pure crap.


Salamiharjoituksia/Joululoma tiivisteenä - Flash lightnings/My holidaydays in a nutshell

Oge. Heitän kasan rumia kuvia tähän koska: meillä alko salamatyöpaja koulussa ja sit saatiin joulomaks tehtävä kuvata dokumentaarisesti tai fiilistellen joulua/uuttavuotta, salamalla tai muulla valonlähteellä. Meidän opettaja ei ainakaan erityisemmin tykänny näistä, en kyllä miekään. Minkäs teet, aina ei artsyimmätkään onnistu. Mie en useimmiten.

Okay, I'm giving you a pile of ugly photos because: we are having a flash lightning course at school right now and we got to do some homework during Christmas Holidays, we had to photograph our Christmas/New Year's Eve documentarily or just try to capture the feeling, using flash or some other sources of light. Our teacher didn't really like my photos, me neither. But what can I do, even the best artists do not always succees. In my case, I do not succees most of the time.

Hylätty auto. Lumessa. Meidän kadulla. Metsässä. | An abadoned car. Covered in snow. At our street. In the woods.

Jeren aatonaattoyö. | Jere's night before the Christmas Eve.

Jouluaattoaamu. | Christmas Eve's morning.

Suosikkivalojani. | One of my favourite lights.

Heikki tarkkana. | Heikki the cat being sharp.

Enni tsekkailee. | Enni just checking.

Linnankatu 12:n joulukuusi. | The Christmas tree at Linnankatu 12.

Vuodenvaihteen jälkeen. | After the New Year's Eve.

Maisema meiltä. | A view from my home.

Tiskit mukavassa valossa. | The dishes at nice light.


Imatran ohi - Past the Imatra

Haluisin muuttaa blogin ulkoasua helpommaks ja raikkaammaks ja koen ahdistusta nimestäkin. Yritin muuttaa sen Imatra-blogiks mut ei antanu käyttää urlissa imatra.blogspot.comia. paska. Tartten muutoksia edes tänne, NYT.

I wanted to change the looks of my blog, wanted it to be easier ja fresher and I'm not satisfied to the name either. Tried to change it to IMATRA (an ugly city in eastern finland, I go past it everytime I travel back to Helsinki and the photo is taken from train also because I have never actually been there) but imatra.blogspot.com was impossible. I need changes to this place, NOW.