
Blogin paluu - back to business!

Terve kaikille.

Ajattelin skarppailla elämässä ja löysänä kesälomahetkenä tuli mieleen, että blogikin on olemassa. Tai siis kanava jossa voi julkaista ei-niin-vakavaa-taidekuvaa, kun portfoliossa olisivat vähän yksinäisiä.

Tietysti voi olla, että innostus jälleen sammuu, mutta katellaas nyt.

Alkajaisiksi takkiolento toissayöltä. Muistin taas miks kuvaan usein pienessä hiprakassa: no siks koska parhaat idikset kuvaukseen tulee just sillon!

Ps. haluisin olla luettu valokuvabloggaaja, MITÄ IHMETTÄ PITÄÄ TEHDÄ ETTÄ SEN STATUKSEN SAA?

Hi everybody.

I was bored during my summer holiday and wanted to post my not-so-serious-art-photorgraphy somewhere and remembered that I have a blog. These would be super lonely in my "official" portfolio.

Let's see what happens, maybe my enthusiasm dies out again.

I started with a photograph of a creature of the summer night. I remembered why I photograph when I'm drunk: the best ideas come to mind when I'm wasted!

Ps. I would like to be a popular photo blogger, WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO ACHIEVE THAT STATUS?

Puutarhassa (in the garden)

Inspiration coming from Pekka Streng, everybody should listen to him: Pekka Streng - Puutarhassa


More fun than you do, part 3.

SO, this is the last set of photos that I made for the theatre photography course. I promise that this is the last! And there is only 16 of these photos so you can manage to watch them through.

The "play" was mostly improvised dancing and it's called "Sivu neljä… it's a mess" (Page four… it's a mess). It's a production of 2nd year dance students from Theatre Academy Helsinki.

That's all folks!


LOVE is all around

Today I went to see a play with free tickets because I photographed it earlier as a school work. Though this happened in November and I'm hopelessly late with this shit. Oh well, here are the "best that I could get" about a play called Rakastaja (The Lover), originally written by Harold Pinter. More info from here.


More fun than you do number two

Same play as previous (Conversation with an Ant Colony), different set of photos.
These feel just as sketches as the first ones. I have no idea how to photograph dancing.


More fun than you do.

Lately, I've been doing some photography in Theatre Academy Helsinki.

These are some sketches, it's the first time that I photograph shows like this.

The name of this play (it includes lots of dance also) is Conversation with an ant colony.